One goes out to man who waits for miracles This one goes out to the ones in need This one goes out to the sinner and the cynical This ain’t about no apology
This one was paved by the hopeless and the hungry This one was paved by the winds of change Walking beside the guily and the innocent How will you raise your hand when they call your name
Yeah, yeah, yeah
We weren’t born to follow Come on and get up off your knees When life is a bitter pill to swallow You gotta hold on to what you believe Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow Even saints and sinners bleed? We weren’t born to follow You gotta stand up for what you believe Let me here you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah
This one’s about anyone who does it differently This is about the one who curses and spits This ain’t about livin in a fantasy This ain’t about givin up or giving in
Yeah, yeah, yeah
We weren’t born to follow Come on and get up off your knees When life is a bitter pill to swallow You gotta hold on to what you believe Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow Even saints and sinners bleed? We weren’t born to follow You gotta stand up for what you believe Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah Let me hear you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah Guitar!
We weren’t born to follow Come on and get up off your knees When life is a bitter pill to swallow You gotta hold on to what you believe Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow Even saints and sinners bleed? We weren’t born to follow You gotta stand up for what you believe Let me here you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah Let me here you say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah We weren’t born to follow, oh yeah We weren’t born to follow, oh yeah
Domeka arrastien ´´ P.i.n´´ era joan ginen eta Bilbon bazkaldu ostean zinemara joan ginen. Bertan ´´AVATAR´´ ikustera joan ginen eta asko gustatu zitzaigun. Ikus ezazue filmearen trailerra ,Avatar jartzen duen lekuan.
Lehengo astean L.H.ko ikasleak Berrizera joan ginen,Olakueta barnetegira. Berrizera heldu eta segituan gure maletak eta gauza guztiak geletan istera joan ginen eta ondoren altxorraren jokora jolastu genuen. Hurrengo egunean Oiz mendira joan ginen errota eolikoak ikustera. Azken egunean, etxera itzuli ginen baina hurrengo urtean ere ni joango naiz.